Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt

I believe it was sometime last year that I first read Anne Rice’s Christ the Lord series, just out of sheer curiosity over how she had attempted to write a novel through the eyes of a young Jesus.  I knew that there were controversies about the novel, and I think the idea of trying to write about the hidden years of Jesus’ life, and what’s more, through the eyes of a young Jesus Himself, sounds outright audacious and nigh heretical to a lot of people.  So I read it with some trepidation.  But I was delightfully surprised.  Keeping in your mind the fact that this is a fictional exploration of what Jesus’ young life might have been like, this is a very fascinating series.  Surely it is not a sin to at least think somewhat of what it must have been like for the God-Man to exist.  I mean, we face those kinds of problems in Scripture itself, when in one place Jesus is said to marvel over something or someone (as if He were caught by surprise), and in another place it says He knew what was in a man’s heart.  How do the two conflate?  Christians have surely pondered these things.  Rice’s work is a more extensive pondering, and in many parts it is quite breathtaking.  And it also helps that Rice did her research–and I mean she did her research.  Reading her afterword demonstrates the seriousness with which she took this task.  And that fact that she relied heavily on one of my favorite theologians, N.T. Wright, didn’t hurt either.

The other day, I started thinking again about the first book, Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt.  I thought it might be interesting to read as part of my Advent reflections.  I started reading it yesterday, and I agree, it helps create a very appropriate atmosphere to dwell on the mystery of the Incarnation, and especially on what it might have been like for the child Jesus to come to terms with who He was, which we must admit, was probably one of the most interesting experiences a created being has ever had.

I realize that some readers may find such a fictional attempt on Rice’s part to be offensive and even sacrilegious.  I can understand that.  For those with a more willing mind, I humbly suggest Christ the Lord as a potential supplement to your Advent meditations this season.

(Posted by Chris Yokel)

~ by thebardling on December 3, 2010.

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